What we do

restoring hope

A significant part of our ministry involves restoring hope to twelve CRC church plants in Kenya. We seek to encourage these churches through: sustainability projects, providing Emergency Food Aid, Clean Water projects, constructing church buildings, making audio scriptures available, distributing women’s sanitary supplies, and planning youth conferences. Read on to learn more.


As the old saying goes, “Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime”. With the current youth unemployment rate in Kenya at 60%, Mission of Hope Africa is committed to promoting self sufficiency by empowering the local communities. Mission of Hope Africa is providing goats and sheep to the local churches which will provide ongoing income.

This lamb is the “first fruit” from the sheep that were provided to this church By MHA (We named her “Hope”)

Audio Scripture

MHA seeks to provide access to the Scriptures to our brothers and sisters of the most remote regions of Kenya, where literacy is limited. Hearing the Word in their own language (Swahili and Turkana) is truly life-changing!

Musical Instruments

Gifts of musical instruments and microphones to the churches offer a vital enhancement to worship! As Mission of Hope Africa seeks to provide these resources to our churches, we are also aware that others are drawn to the services through the use of these instruments.

Building Structures

Mission of Hope Africa has partnered with Son-Beam International to provide Steel Structures for our churches. These structures give people a designated place to congregate and worship together hence, keeping them out of the scorching sun and heavy rains.

Clean Water

Mission of Hope Africa is committed to helping the local communities gain access to clean and safe drinking water. This basic human need can be obtained by digging wells or boreholes and constructing water reservoirs in the communities we serve.

sanitary supplies

Many young girls and women are unable to attend school or activities of life one week out of each month due to lack of sanitary supplies. Mission of Hope Africa has been able to deliver washable sanitary supplies provided through “It’s our Mission, Period” and “Kenya Hope” to allow our girls freedom to continue their education uninterrupted.

youth conferences

Twice a year the teen-aged youth from the churches have been able to gather for an uplifting convention of learning from the teachings of the Scriptures and worshipping together over a period of several days. Mission of Hope Africa has been able to provide funding to help these vital conferences take place.

Reaching out

In addition to the many things MHA does to restore hope to the churches we serve, we also partner with other organizations to reach out to those in need with various practical resources and the gospel of Jesus Christ.

“Soles for Souls”

The feet of many men, women, and children in the remote regions of Kenya are afflicted with the painful jigger parasite. Mission of Hope Africa holds regular “Soles for Souls” campaigns where we partner with the Kenyan Red Cross to bring medications and treatments that heal and rid them of this awful parasite. This physical revival (soles) is partnered with a message of the gospel for spiritual revival (souls).